Records and Data Retention Schedule

The ICCA Records and Data Retention Schedule is a list of specific categories of records and how long they should be retained.

ICCA Data Retention Schedule

The Schedule covers records used for business, research and administrative purposes and helps promote consistent practice by ensuring records are kept for the same amount of time, no matter where in the university they are held.


Why is using the Schedule important?

ICCA has legal and regulatory obligations to dispose of certain records after a set period of time. Effective records and data retention policies help underscore compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

The Schedule also identifies vital and historically important records, which are suitable for keeping for longer period of time.


Access to retention schedules

The Records and Data Retention Schedule covers both paper and electronic records – the format is irrelevant when deciding whether or not a record should be retained.


Using the Records and Data Retention Schedule

The Records and Data Retention Schedule (RDRS) is a list of specific types of records that are created at The Inns of Court College of Advocacy as part of our business and academic activities. Alongside each entry is an indication of how long the record should be kept and the action that should be taken once the current usefulness of the record has expired. Most ICCA records will ultimately be destroyed or deleted although a select few should be kept for longer period.

The RDRS supports the efficient and legally compliant lifecycle management of records in all formats, both paper and electronic. It promotes consistent practice by ensuring that similar types of records are kept for the same amount of time, no matter where in the ICCA they are held.

Using the RDRS, staff can confidently dispose of records and data that they no longer need. This can be done with assurance that requirements under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the wider framework of information rules and regulations have been appropriately addressed.


How to use the RDRS

The RDRS is laid out in seven columns and provides:

  • A description for each record type.
  • The name of the department with responsibility for the management of a record.
  • A legal reference (where applicable) citing any statutory or regulatory consideration that underscores the retention rule.
  • The retention rule itself. This is the number of years (either exact or within a range) that a record should be retained in a department before it is destroyed, deleted or otherwise disposed of. For ease of use this is given in a colour coded box.
  • Classification reflects the sensitivity of a record:
    • External information can be shared freely with the widest possible audience
    • Internal information is intended to reach only staff and students
    • Restricted information is intended for use by a limited group of university users
    • Highly restricted information is for use by a strictly defined group of university users
  • Notes provides additional information to help manage the record. This includes supplementary retention advice and reference to other useful guidance.


Record lifecycles

The key concept underpinning effective records management and appropriate retention is the records lifecycle. Every record moves through four distinct stages during its life:

  • Creation or receipt of a record to support a business need
  • Active use – where the record is in regular or constant use
  • Semi-active use – where the record is no longer in regular use but it is still of value and must be kept for legal, financial or administrative purposes
  • Final action – where the record is either destroyed, deleted or permanently kept.


Where do I go for further information and support?

Information Management are happy to help further.

Visit our website for up to date guidance.

Contact us directly on email:

Do note that the RDRS will be amended periodically to reflect changes to the ICCA structure, new legal requirements and the creation of new records. Please ensure that you only ever use the current version posted on our website.